








                                   Do you like to paint?   Graffiti Painters.  

                                                    We can always use another pair of  hands.              

                                                    Click on the painter and send us your name and email.





                     Maybe walking is your thing.  Come join your neighbors

                                                    and patrol around Weston Park & Grayson Square.  Just click on the

                                                    photo at left.  Want to be a Captain of your street? 

                                                    Then send us an email with your name and email address.



                    How about helping to keep our common areas clean? 

                                                    No need to volunteer.   If you see it, pick it up.

                                                    Do you have a puppy/dog? 

                                                    Bring your plastic bags to dispose of the "gifts".



                    Maybe you want to work with kids.

                                                     We feel the youth in Weston Park & Grayson Square should be involved.

                                                     Would you like to  work on or head up this Team?

                                                     We could use some adults willing to donate time and energy.

                                                     Click on that picture and send us your name and email.


                    Is writing your thing?  Do you have an idea for a Newsletter article? 

                                                      Click on the newsletter picture and send us your name, idea and email.


                                    We can always use help delivering the Newsletter and Meeting notices.



                                Everyone can be on the Block Watch Team.  Be alert and observant.

                                                       Want to receive email notices when burglaries and car thefts are occurring

                                                        in Weston Park & Grayson Square? 

                                                        Click on the photo at left and join over 200 others on the list.



Home History Domestic Violence
Suggestions Telephone Numbers 2022 Ahead
Ideas PTSD Zero Waste Recycling
Answers Teams August 2015 Storm
2022Meetings Meeting Minutes Honor Flight
PPD-RCS Brochures/Classes Juniors Parent Form
GAIN2014 Kid Korner Juniors
Classifieds Bike Rodeo  
GAIN2015 Zika  
GAIN2019 Chikungunya  
Pixbooth Photos Dengue  
Az Revised Statutes PAYS News  
Spring Social 2019 2008-2010 Minutes