
A Non-Profit



 October 27, 2015

Memorial Hall inside Steele Indian School Park

 3rd Street and Indian School

8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

Chief Yahner will provide an update on our hiring status and

the most recent grants awarded to the City for hiring more officers.

Members of each precinct will also be on hand to answer questions reference your neighborhood concerns.

For more information, contact Officer Jennifer Eastman Community Relations Bureau,

602-262-4061 Jennifer.eastman@phoenix.gov

Coffee and a light refreshments will be provided








October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. On October 1st Governor Ducey will light the State Capitol purple as a symbol of Arizona's dedication to ending domestic violence. Stand with the Governor as we say,



Thursday, October 1, 2015

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Arizona State Capitol, House Lawn

1700 W. Washington Street

Phoenix, Arizona 85007


Attendance is free, registration suggested.



All Arizonans can join this effort and light their own homes purple.

Beginning September 14th The Home Depot will be selling purple light bulbs to customers at all Arizona store locations with a percentage of the proceeds going to support domestic violence prevention.


Please join us by using this bulb to light your home purple and post the pictures to #LightingAzPurple



Come out and meet CAO Chris Granado's new partner

CAO Larry Naranjo

September 9, 2015

9:00 am

Kay's Kafe

3401 S 43rd Avenue

Phoenix, AZ  85009




September is Arizona Preparedness Month!


Don’t be left in the dark about what to do during a power outage. Visit beta.ready.gov/power-outage to learn how you and your family can develop a preparedness plan in advance of power loss.

Also, take a look at the tips below to make facing a power outage more manageable and share them with at least five people you know. Shed light on #NatlPrep!

 ·         Gas stations and ATMs may not work during a power outage.

       Prepare in advance by filling your car’s gas tank and withdrawing cash in advance of an extreme weather event.

·         Use flashlights—not candles—for emergency lighting. Candles may increase the risk of fire.

Most refrigerated medicines can be stored on ice for several hours.

Be sure to identify local sources where dry and block ice can be purchased to help keep medicine—and food—safe during an outage.

Preparedness Resources and Information:





Pitmaster Rick has taken various honors,

including at Northern Arizona BBQ Festival


WHO:  You are cordially invited to a Smokin Good Time!

WHAT:  Pulled  Pork BBQ with coleslaw and baked beans and chicken legs for the small fry

WHEN:  Saturday June 13, 2015

               5PM to 7PM

WHERE:  Weston Park Common

                  By playground

Pitmaster Rick might be persuaded to share a tip or two on how to prepare ribs. 

Bottled sauce available for purchase.

Adults sign in to get a Free hula hoop for each child while supply lasts

Hula hoop contest with a

 LED Hula hoop to 4 winners


WHO:  You are cordially invited

WHAT:  WPGS Block Watch Meeting (no pottery painting)                  

Breakfast pastries FREE supplied by the Crafty Kiln >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>               

Coffee/Tea FREE

WHEN:  8:30AM Saturday June 6, 2015

WHERE:  The Crafty Kiln                           

2610 W Baseline Road #104         

Phoenix, AZ


 October / November 2014

There have been some issues with the US Mail Delivery

The month of October and into the month of November some people have not been receiving their mail.  I called and spoke with Dawn from Consumer Affairs (602) 223-3223.  She is working with the General Manager of the South Mountain Post Office to get this straightened out.  In the meantime if you have not been receiving mail you need to check with the Post Office to see if they are holding your mail for 10 days before "return to sender".  Part of the problem I am told is if the mail has not been checked for days then they consider the address VACANT.  You also may wish to check inside the door of your box OR at the back of the box (depending on which model) and make sure your last name is inserted in the slot provided.  This advises the mail carrier there is a resident at this address.

    October 18, 2014

Special Guest:


To see photos from the G.A.I.N. 2014 Event

October 2014
   Fight Domestic Violence in October

Beginning Oct. 1 and throughout the month, the city of Phoenix will "Paint Phoenix Purple" in observance of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Because the city is committed to becoming a national leader in preventing and responding to domestic violence, city departments will help raise awareness about the need to end domestic violence...

"Domestic violence is an issue that affects the lives of so many people - the victims, their families, their friends and their children - and stopping it is a priority for our community," said Mayor Greg Stanton.  "The display of purple is a reminder that Phoenix is committed to doing everything possible to achieve that goal."

"Combatting domestic violence takes total commitment from the entire community," said Councilwoman Laura Pastor, chairwoman of the Parks, Arts, Transparency and Education Subcommittee, which oversees the city's efforts to combat domestic violence.  "The city will continue to strive to be a national leader in domestic violence prevention and I encourage everyone in the city to Paint Phoenix Purple in October to show our commitment."

Together, the community can raise awareness about domestic violence and its impact on families.  Statistics show that one in four women and one in seven men have experienced domestic violence in their lifetime.

The Paint Phoenix Purple campaign is sponsored by the city of Phoenix, O'Connor House and the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence.


Visit paintphoenixpurple.org

If you or someone you know is in need of victim services, Call

Family Advocacy Center  (602) 534-2120         or        National Domestic Violence Hotline  1 (800) 799-7233



May 22, 2009 update



Fun for the whole family



May 22, 2009

7 to 9 PM

Kickball between two of the best teams                  21 … Basketball competition with our very own stars!

Come out and help the Cheerleaders for your favorite team

(or child) (oh and bring a chair or blanket to sit on)

           Paddle balls and Plastic bats & balls for the 3-5 age group

                                                                                                                The items in the Community Sports Box will be available to check out all year


Too fast paced? How about a synchronized sprinkler extravaganza?

(Selected lawn sprinklers preset to run 8pm to 9pm to play in)

Just right for children of all ages                                      F R E E  Half Time Refreshments   F R E E

                                                                                                  Ice Cream Cones & Snack Chips  


May 18, 2009 update

PNP Meeting open to all members.  Check Classifieds for meeting times and dates.

May 14, 2009 update

Visited Lindo Park II HOA Meeting.  They are doing a lot of great work.

May 13, 2009 update

Block Watch Meeting by the playground.

May 12, 2009 update

South Mountain Village Planning Committee Meeting.  One of the items brought up was Light Rail.  How come Light Rail does not come out here to us.  Wasn't that in the plans or supposed to be in the plans at one time?  What happened?  Who dropped the ball?  The representative from Light Rail did not have a real good answer.  She did however mention that Councilwoman Maria Baier was on the Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee.  If you would like to ask her you may contact Councilwoman Maria Baier.  The date I heard talked about was 2030 if at all.  Sounds like if we want our section of town to grow and prosper ...     They meet second Tuesday of every month.

May 9, 2009 update

The City of Phoenix is in the process of starting up a new program to fight against graffiti and blight.  It involves 4 days of intense training and commitment.  The pilot program just started with the next wave to start in October 2009.  Come to our next Block Watch meetings to find out how this will be a benefit to our community.

May 7, 2009 update

The best crime prevention tip is     "Hello"        Just say "Hello"        Hello

Want to make the neighborhood safer?  Coffee Cake

 And don't forget the  Garden Shears

May 5, 2009 update

Community is about getting out and meeting your neighbors.  Be sure to check the Newsletter for this month's FUN DAY date, time and FREE activities for the whole family.

May 2, 2009 update

The Month of May is shifting even more focus on our children.  School will be out soon and we want to get the message out to KEEP KIDS ALIVE - Drive 25






April 28, 2009 update

I still have not heard from the owner or manager of the field across Roeser Road.  If you have a concern about the Air Quality with the working of the field, this site on Air Quality - Agricultural PM10 Best Management Practices offers some insight into regulations.  Arizona State Department of Agriculture, 1688 West Adams Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007  (602) 542-4373

The  AH Environmental Program Coordinator is Rusty Van Leuven and his number is (602) 542-3484.  The more people who call or write or email will get their attention. 

April 27, 2009 update

School will be out around May 19-22.

A reminder that daily curfew hours for the city of Phoenix are from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. for children 15 years old and younger and midnight to 5 a.m. for 16 and 17 years old. Curfew hours apply seven days a week year round.   

We could use some Graffiti volunteer cleaners/painters.  I have paint, trays, rollers and cleaner.  If you are interested, please let me know.  We should remove graffiti within 24-48 hours of its appearance.  It's served us well in the past.

April 25, 2009 update

I spoke to Alfonso this morning.  He was running the irrigation system in the field across Roeser Road.  I gave him my number and requested he have his boss give me a call.  They are in the midst of planting corn for masa.  Alfonso agrees there is a lot of dirt creating a lot of dust but that is the extent of our conversation regarding Air Quality.

April 23, 2009 update

You may want to attend the next HOA meeting and the next Block Watch meeting to discover issues concerning the school bus for next year.

April 21, 2009 update

The 900 PNP Meeting is open to all PNP members and a guest.  It takes place the second Thursday of every month.  For dates and location check out our Classifieds.  The next Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol classes are also listed.

Per the City of Phoenix, "Each person employed by an alarm business, and who installs, services, or maintains alarm systems within the city of Phoenix is required to be licensed by the city.  To find out if an alarm agent (installation or service technician) is licensed, click the following:

Licensed Alarm Agents

Each alarm company doing business in the city of Phoenix is required to be licensed by the city.  To find out if an alarm company is licensed, click the following:

Licensed Alarm Businesses

If you would like to apply for an alarm permit as a subscriber, click here for the application:

Alarm Subscriber Permit Application

April 20, 2009 update

Check with your Block Watch regarding discounts offered by local retailers on Security Doors.

Reminder, please park your vehicles in your garage. 

Call 9-1-1 if you hear or see anything suspicious.

April 17, 2009 update


"With all of the budget cuts and the financial turmoil we currently find ourselves in, it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to do what we can!  Join a block watch, become a block watch captain for your street, get trained in PNP and patrol your neighborhoods, help out at the schools, volunteer to help clean up your neighborhood, etc.  The list is endless.  If you don’t find an organization that is already doing some of these things, start one yourself.  Without YOU, we won’t make a difference. 

 Everyone is super busy, so please don’t let that be an excuse.  The BAD GUYS are counting on us being too busy to watch out for our neighborhoods!

 We need everyone’s help.  We are all in this together!"

April 16, 2009 update

Sam Wercinski, former Arizona Real Estate Commissioner, spoke at the LAHOA meeting last night.  Communities all over are experiencing neighborhood blight just as we are with the number of vacant homes on the market.  Mr. Wercinski had a number of suggestions for this as well as valuable information pertaining to preventing foreclosure and resources at our disposal.   

"...Sam engages many non-profit organizations.  His service as co-chair on the Real Estate Committee of the Arizona Mexico Commission focused on regional economic development and consumer protection.  Through the International Rescue Committee and its Microenterprise Development Program, he assists refugees who wish to start businesses in Arizona.  He led the establishment of a mentoring program where employees partner with a local school to strengthen children's math and reading skills.  He also supports AZ Humane Society, A Stepping Stone, Habitat for Humanity, Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS, PPAZ and Birthright International..."

"...Sam can be reached at Sam@SamWercinski.com.  He also uses Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn."


April 13, 2009 update

Teen shot and killed during party early Sunday Morning.  http://www.kpho.com/video/19163011/index.html  Just a reminder to always call 9-1-1 before a party gets out of hand.

"Understanding Your State Legislature" Workshops

You are invited to a FREE Workshop designed to demystify the legislative process. Choose one of two workshops that are being offered during the first two weeks of May (see Classifieds for dates).  Each workshop will present an overview of the state legislative process and how to get involved in decisions being made at the State Legislature, as well as tips on effective lobbying techniques and information on how to use technology to track legislation. In addition, two state lawmakers will be invited to attend to offer advice on how to effectively communicate with your legislator and how the decisions they make impact your neighborhood.   This free event is sponsored by the Phoenix Government Relations Office to encourage public involvement from neighborhood groups and residents in debating and developing public policy.

April 10, 2009 update

Unfortunately another community resident who left their garage open presented a perfect opportunity to break into another vehicle.  Please close your garage doors when you are not in there.  It conveys the wrong message.

April 03, 2009 update

A suspicious white van has been seen lurking around inside our community.  No additional vehicle information available at this time. 

April 02, 2009 update


TIPS FOR ONLINE PASSWORD SECURITY were forwarded by the Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol courtesy of the Phoenix Police Department - See Ideas for details.


It's not your typical crime.  At least it's not what one thinks about at first.  But it is criminal activity and it's going on in our own community.  When it involves destroying or marking up another person's private property without their permission it is criminal activity.  When public property is marked up it is criminal activity.  People, please be respectful of your neighbors' property as well as our Common Area.  Being a responsible pet owner is making sure your pet is on a leash at ALL times it is off your property (Section 8-14 Dogs not permitted at large).  Being a responsible pet owner means cleaning up after your pet when it has urinated or defecated (Section 27-12 Animal waste).  It's criminal activity when you walk away and leave it on your neighbor's property or in the Common Area. 

March 28, 2009 update

There has been an increase in stolen vehicles in our area of town.  They are either stealing items from the vehicles or taking the complete vehicle.  These are vehicles parked in your own driveways.  Whenever possible the garage is your best parking spot to keep your vehicle(s) safe.

Padlocks on your electrical panel and side gate are added protection for those areas too.

Have a few hours to spare?  Want to do something constructive and help clean up our town? 

Due to budget cuts, Graffiti Busters for the City of Phoenix need volunteers. Give them a call at 602-495-0323.

March 21, 2009 update

More and more we are hearing about crimes where criminals are entering through garage doors that are standing wide open or doors and windows that are unlocked.  That is like putting a Welcome sign out in your front yard.  That open garage door gives them easy and quiet access to your inside door, not to mention all the items in your garage for the taking.  The warm weather is nice and it's tempting to leave your windows open.  There are locks for windows so they can let in breezes but not unwanted guests.  Don't invite the criminals into our neighborhood for easy pickins.  When not working in your garage, close the big overhead door.  Let that breeze in, but just the breeze.  There are plenty of other suggestionsIt's the smart thing to do and it will save you time and money.  After all, who wants to file a police report.

FIGHT BACK!  In these very difficult economic times businesses are struggling to stay open. We need to support all of the local businesses whenever possible. Please try to make your purchases for goods and services at local stores. As we try to attract new stores, restaurants, medical centers etc. it is important for those potential operators to see the need and our support. Each business that fails and closes sets us all further back from attracting new ones.

Roadside vending and sales of merchandise and vehicles is against the law. These operations are usually on an easement, right-of-way, or often on private property with no permission from the property owner. Additionally it is unlawful to do any of these things on areas that are not paved nor have dust control surfaces (i.e. in dirt lots). This is also an opportunity for the sale of illegal or counterfeit items. Anytime and every time you see these activities call the police at 602-262-6151 and report it.  We must all work together to stop these illegal activities and protect our community and it's legitimate businesses. . Remember call every time.

March 19, 2009 update


Family Dog Missing - Black Lab with Blue Collar

Missing since 3-3-09  If you have any info, please call 480-228-0144 or 480-603-7059.


4th Annual Neighborhood Summits - Partners from around the Valley will be presenting two separate classes on crime prevention.  One in the East Valley and one West Valley.  Registration will take place from 7:00 am to 8:00 am.  or register HERE

March 16, 2009 update

Traffic Signal Installation at 67th Avenue and Broadway Road starts today.

March 11, 2009 update

One of our residents had a car broken into a few nights ago. 

Another resident had his truck stolen from his driveway and used in a house break-in somewhere else.  Please keep an eye on suspicious activity on your block and in your community.  When in doubt, Call 9-1-1 for crime in progress or to report one that has occurred call Crime Stop 602-262-6151.

The safest place for your car is inside your garage.

On a brighter note - the irrigation canal along Roeser Road is history.  For the time being.  At this moment it is being removed and filled in for the sewer construction this month.  The bad news - the canal will be back once construction is completed.  We can always hope the owners will do the right thing and keep it maintained and free of overgrown weeds and debris.

March 5, 2009 update

Check out Bump-proof padlocks by Master Lock and also Kwikset's new SmartKey.  All the latest information is updated on our Suggestions Page.

Graffiti vandals were caught red-handed with paint on their hands along with cans of spray paint in one of our neighboring communities.  Communities, Block Watchers and Police.  YEAH TEAM!

Being involved in your community does benefit everyone.

February 16, 2009 update

Are you aware that the Weston Park Homeowner's Association website is working on updating the information it provides?  If you want to see the minutes from HOA meetings, check your payment history or express your opinions, stop by Weston Park HOA web page and register to win a gift card.

February 10, 2009 update

Councilman Michael Nowakowski invites District 7 residents to meet with him from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10, at Cesar Chavez Library, Story Room, 3635 W. Baseline Road.  Come discuss city issues with the councilman or share concerns about the community.  For information, call the District 7 office at 602-262-7492 or e-mail council.district.7@phoenix.gov.

January 20, 2009 update

Gangs are not the only problem affecting our neighborhoods - There were more Domestic Violence related calls in our area last year than Gang related.

We hear frequently about a variety of disturbing issues, from gang violence to rampant foreclosures.  However, there is a terrible and all-too-common problem that affects our society, one that is often kept quiet: the issue of domestic violence.

For the precinct in which our community, Weston Park, is located, there were 85 Domestic Violence Incidents reported between January and October of this year.  For the same period in 2007, 69 such incidents were reported.  Of course, domestic violence is notoriously unreported or underreported: the victims do not come forward because of a feeling of shame, responsibility, or any of a variety of explanations that in the end never, ever excuse such violence.

Domestic violence can take the form of physical abuse, whether it be beating, hitting, sexually assault, or even just the threat any of these actions directed at the abuser’s spouse, children, or other members of the household.  Emotional abuse is a less-noticed but potentially equally devastating form of domestic violence, and includes words and actions that, while not physical, genuinely harm the victim. 

In addition, domestic violence victims run the gamut of people, far beyond the traditional “battered wife” stereotype.  Unmarried domestic partners, children, and, increasingly, men also suffer at the receiving end of this abuse.  Furthermore, households going through this trauma may be poor or wealthy or middle class, black or white or Latino—this terrifying crime knows no boundaries.

In these tough economic times, people face difficult situations in which tempers may be more likely to flare.  Sometimes, a person who would never under normal circumstances willingly harm a loved one reaches a breaking point due to stress about job security, mortgage payments, or any number of other issues, financial and otherwise; even if that person lashes out only one time, even if they are ashamed and apologetic after the fact, such an incident IS domestic violence.  Those on the receiving end should not blame themselves and should recognize such incidents for what they are—abuse, and crimes.

If you or your children or other members of your household are a victim of domestic violence, take no chances.  There are people and organizations available to assist and support you, and to help you evaluate your situation and make a decision about what to do next.  If someone you know is suffering domestic abuse, or if you suspect they are, share this information with them, encourage them to seek help, and let them know that you support them—victims often go through a denial stage or are afraid to distance themselves from their situation, but it helps them to know that a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on are available should they need it. 

Below is a list of resources related to this topic.  There are also numerous other outlets that can help and advise domestic violence victims; feel free to contact the author through the Weston Park Block Watch for additional information.  Have a peaceful, safe new year!

Phoenix Resources for Victims of Domestic Violence


South Mountain Precinct

400 W. Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85041
602- 495-5004

National Domestic Violence Hotline           

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)


National Coalition Against Domestic Violence      


Chrysalis Shelter

1010 East McDowell Road, Suite 301

Phoenix, AZ 85006


Arizona Crime Victims

Domestic Violence Shelter 24-hour line:        520-836-0858
Children’s Shelter 24-hour line:                      520-421-0767


 Salvation Army |Domestic Violence Hotline


 Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence

301 East Bethany Home Road, #C194

Phoenix, AZ


 Domestic Violence Attorneys


Visit http://www.lawyers.com/Domestic-Violence/Arizona/Phoenix/law-firms.html for a list of lawyers specializing in domestic violence cases, or contact Margaret Olek Esler through the Weston Park Block Watch.

  January 10, 2009 update

2009-2010 Proposed City Budget

Community Budget Hearings for the City of Phoenix will be held in our area on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 6:00PM at the Cesar Chavez Library, 3635 West Baseline Road. For a complete listing of dates and times please go to http://phoenix.gov/update 

"The city of Phoenix is in the process of preparing its 2009-10 budget, which will include reductions to city programs and services of more than $162 million.  Residents are invited to attend community hearings to discuss the proposed budget before final decisions are made.  There also will be a special hearing for seniors.
Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 13, and continuing through Tuesday, Jan. 27, the City Council and staff from the City Manager's Office and the Budget and Research Department will conduct 14 budget hearings at various times and locations throughout the community.  At the hearings, residents will have an opportunity to comment and make suggestions.  Council members and city staff will answer questions and talk about specific district issues.  This public discussion is among the reasons the city’s budget so closely matches the community's highest priorities each fiscal year.  

... After the community's review, the mayor and City Council will approve a budget-balancing plan on Tuesday, Feb. 3.  The approved plan will take effect on March 2, 2009. "

Not only is this important for our City but our Block Watch as well.  Remember: 

Be sure to check out our new Classified section or the latest Suggestions.  An informed Community is a safer Community.

January 07, 2009 update

This is the start of another year and some things I am told are worth repeating.  These are some that have been requested:


Last year we had several instances of people being bothered by dogs not on a leash.  We also had several dogs running around the neighborhood. 


Phoenix City Code 8-14 – Dogs at Large
Requires dogs on a leash at all times when not confined to owner’s property.
Owner of licensed dog in violation—fine up to $250.00
Owner of unlicensed dog in violation—Class 1 misdemeanor– fine up to $1,000 & 6 months in jail.

Not only are people upset with their yards being used but the dog owners are not picking up after their pets.

The common area is not a dumping ground either.  If you own a dog please carry a plastic bag whenever you go walking with your dog.   Last week there were over 12 deposits in just one Tract of the common area.  Children play on the grass.  Would you want your child stepping in this and bringing it home?         http://phoenix.gov/parks/leash07.html          

Phoenix City Code 27-12  - Animal Waste
Requires owner pick up animal waste and dispose of in trash.
Court appearance  —  at Judge’s discretion, fine up to 6 months in jail



    Your taste in music may not be the same as your neighbor's or the guy down the block.

Loud Party Ordinance G-4630, section 2-45.1  was amended to increase neighborhood safety and reduce threats to the
public peace, health, safety and general welfare. The ordinance addresses parties, social gatherings or events which result
in disturbing the peace, quiet and enjoyment of our community...  There are no “allowable” times during the day or
night. If the party, gathering, or event is considered a threat to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of
the public, anytime during the night or day, the responsible party will be assessed a fee of up to $1,000.00.


    The Post Office does not appreciate your son's or daughter's artwork on their mailboxes.

     This is a new year and a new start to a better community.  We can start the year by being neighborly.

January 02, 2009 update


January 2009 update

Happy New Year!

December 2008 update

Christmas season is here and we must not forget to remain vigilant.  With all the hustle and bustle it is easy to become distracted and not pay attention to our surroundings. 


It is your responsibility as privileged Arizona drivers to know new motor vehicle laws - the state doesn’t send out mailings. For more info on new motor vehicle laws click on the link below. So if you have a frame holder that covers the name Arizona on your license plate remove it before Jan 1, 2009 and replace it with one that doesn’t cover the name Arizona or be prepared to get a $130 fine.


License Plate Holder Law - State law* requires that the state name at the top of Arizona license plates must be visible. Any license plate holder or cover that prevents the license plate from being clearly legible is in violation of this new law.

* A.R.S. 28-2354(B.)


Be sure to check out our new Classified section or the latest Suggestions.  An informed Community is a safer Community.


November 2008 update

We are now in the busy Christmas season and things will only get busier and more hectic.  We attended a meeting of LAHOA this past week and they mentioned some tips to keep in mind this holiday.  Thank you Stephanie!

These are all things we should do most of the time but when distracted during the holidays may forget.

When home or leaving your home - Protect Yourself

    Ensure that all doors and windows in your home are locked and secure.

    Keep your garage door closed.

    Lock your car doors as you enter your vehicle to help prevent a carjacking.

    Do not take the same route home and away every time, change up your routine.

    Always watch for vehicles that seem to be following you.

    When arriving at your destination, make sure that you observe all vehicles and people around you.

    If carrying a purse, make sure that it is secure to you, but keep your ID and $$ in a secure pocket.

    Roll all your windows up, and lock all your car doors.

    If your vehicle has an alarm, USE IT!

While shopping -

    Whether grocery shopping or shopping for Christmas gifts, always keep your money and ID on your person.

    Never leave your purse sitting in the baby seat on a shopping cart.

    If possible, always pay with cash, so your debit card or charge card is not compromised.

    When leaving a store or mall, pay attention to people who are leaving with you, or driving by, or walking through the parking lot.

    Purse snatchings are on the rise, so women should never walk alone, and never carry a purse loosely.

    Most malls or grocery stores have security.  Ask to be escorted to your vehicle when it is dark or if you have items; ie, groceries or gifts.

Here is a multiple choice quiz -

A man is following you to your vehicle, do you

A.    attack him with your purse?

B.    run like the wind to your car?

C.    walk back to the store?

D.    call 911 on your cell phone?

They all sound like a solution but the best response is C. Walk back to the store.  And make your presence known by raising your voice while doing so.  Most attackers will leave.

While it is very important to be on our guard at this time, it should become habit the rest of the year also.  Being more observant of our surroundings will keep us on the alert to possible danger.

Those in the Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol should always carry the following items:

    Cell phone

    Paper and pen



    Tool box (car repairs and first aid kit)

    When walking - Wear reflective jacket


Our First Annual
Saturday October 18, 2008
2PM - 5PM
Common Area by playground
We supply plates, utensils ,
bottled water and sodas,
Police and Fire representatives,
lots of free brochures,
Tables and chairs.
Bring your family.
Bring one favorite food dish.
Bring one canned food item to donate.
Meet and greet your neighbors
next door,
down the street,
from the next community.


October 10, 2008 update

Remember October 18th is Our First Annual G.A.I.N. picnic.

October 8, 2008 update

Weston Park HOA meeting.

Items discussed:

    Crime Free Lease Addendum

    Property Management & Landscaping Bids

    G.A.I.N. family picnic October 18th.

October 7, 2008 update

Ice Cream Social and Town Hall Meeting, Cesar Chavez High School

Some of the speakers:

Councilman Michael Nowakowski from District 7 stated he had been impressed when he heard Carol speak about the Crime Free Lease Addendum at the Block Watch Bites Back workshop held on September 27, 2008.  He wants to work to include that in all HOAs.  He spoke of plans for a Community Center near the Cesar Chavez Library.  He also stated there is a real issue with our youth and the police are enforcing youth curfew.   Staff member mailto:Ruben.Gallego@Phoenix.gov

Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox from District 5 and her staff.  Did you know they had over 1,700 calls for animal control last year?

State Representative Cloves C. Campbell, Jr from District 16 let us know he is connected with Homeland Security and also Appropriations.

Officer Deb Iodice the Block Watch Coordinator for the Phoenix Police Department.  Her advice is to call the police regardless.  They are paid to answer our call and determine how best to handle each situation.  If we do not call how will the police know if there are drug issues or graffiti issues or other crime in our neighborhood.

Olga Soto with City of Phoenix, Neighborhood Services.  She has provided our Block Watch with a wealth of information from day 1.  One of her tips this night was planting bougainvilleas along your block walls.  Discourages graffiti painting.  Simple but effective.

Captain Jay Arthur with the City of Phoenix Fire Department.

October 1, 2008 update

Please display your Block Watch sign in your front window.

Please help light up our streets by turning on your outside lights at night.


September 27, 2008 update

Block Watch Bites Back workshop held at Carpenters Union Training Center, 4547 W McDowell Rd, Phx.

Speakers included:

    Councilman Michael Nowakowski from District 7

    Carol Pacey Country Glen Block Watch in Laveen spoke on Crime Free Lease Addendum

    Tamara Webb from Off Campus Jams

    Annie Alvarado Deputy Director of Neighborhood Services

    Thomas Reade AG's Unit Chief from Crime Prevention Unit (advised about Stolen car database website )

    Tim LaSota MCAO Special Assistant Deputy Co. Attorney (advised about Victim Advocacy Program, Graffiti Watcher's Program and Court Watch)

    E Brown from Silent Witness

September 24, 2008 update

House fire and Phoenix PD and communities showing their support.

September 17, 2008 update

LAHOA (Laveen HOAs) meeting Cesar Chavez High School 6:30pm

Carol from Country Glen HOA introduced Attorney Phil Brown who spoke on Crime Free Lease Addendum.

September 16, 2008 update

All graffiti reported and removed.  Yeah Team!

September 15, 2008 update

White GMC jimmy with paper tags parked at end of W Roeser Rd.

Dark Blue pick up truck with 4 males parked behind white GMC.

Crime Stop 602-262-6151 called.  Police towed white jimmy.

Graffiti was noted on several walls in community.

September 10, 2008 update

Break-in noted S 25th block.

September 5, 2008 update

3 sightings of suspicious males in 2400 block of W Roeser Road.  9-1-1 and Crime Stop 602-262-6151 called.

September 4, 2008 update

Two more officers appointed to Board of Directors.  Secretary Renee P. and Treasurer Joe B. 

September 2, 2008 update

Kevin & Robyn held a fundraiser dinner last night to help raise funds earmarked for our G.A.I.N. celebration in October.  I have not heard yet how successful that was.  Thank you Kevin & Robyn!

August 30, 2008 update

First class held for Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol.  8 residents have been newly certified.  Congratulations!

Thank you to our 4 Instructors for a very informative day.

August 28, 2008 update

Street light out on Romley - sent in request for repair.

August 25, 2008 update

City of Phoenix to do study on W. Roeser Road.

August 20, 2008 update

LAHOA - Meeting of neighborhood Block Watch and HOAs.  Cesar Chavez High School Cafeteria.  Third Wednesday each month at 6:30 PM.

August 16, 2008 update

BLOCK WATCH MEETING - 9AM   Find out what 63 means.

SRP coming out this morning to try and determine responsible party for upkeep and maintenance of easement at our NE perimeter.

Our neighbor across W Roeser will spend next week clearing and removing debris from his land.  This will greatly benefit not only the visual but remove a driving hazard.  We can return the favor by not using his land as a shortcut.  We are reminded that it is private property.  Nobody has a right to use any part of it for any reason.  The owner has dealt with not only littering and dumping but tampering and interfering with farm equipment to name a few.  Hopefully once the present debris is removed this will also stop.  We can help him by reporting any illegal dumping.  If dumping is in progress be a neighbor and call 9 1 1 or Crime Stop 602-262-6151.  After all he is our neighbor too.  What helps him, helps us.

August 14, 2008 update

Irrigation canal on W Roeser overflowed again.  They have started  clean up efforts to remove garbage from irrigation canal and also remove overgrown weeds and vegetation near roadway.

Insurance Auto Auction has removed all the graffiti from their wall.  All old tires and garbage have also been removed from their perimeter.  Thank you for your efforts!

August 7, 2008 update

A reminder of Leash Law.      (and that other bring your bag thing)

August 5, 2008 update

Graffiti in the manner of fliers with non-working telephone numbers discovered on light poles throughout the community and removed immediately.

Irrigation canal on W Roeser overflowed.

Trespasser discovered inside a vacant home.  Crime Stop #602-262-6151 called.

August 1, 2008 update

Today I felt like Bird Lady.  Three were picked up.

One very large green semi will soon be on its way.  He will find other accommodations next time he comes to visit his relative.

July 31, 2008 update

A yellow pick up truck was stolen last night.  If you have any information, please let us hear from you.

July 30, 2008 update

Two Chihuahuas were on the loose again this morning.  Last notice.  Maricopa Animal Care & Control

July 29, 2008 update

Had walk through with Gracie from South Mountain Post Office.

July 27, 2008 update

We have many dog owners in our community.  Dogs need exercise and a facilitation place.  We know that is a fact of life.  What I am hearing from several of you is that you do not want or appreciate your yards used for dog business.  Same with the common area.  Bushes and ornamentals are being given unscheduled "watering" and "gems" are being left for someone else to remove.  It's your dog.  Please be neighborly, bring bags on your walks and to paraphrase "Leave nature as you found it."

July 24, 2008 update

If you live in our community and have not signed up for our email list, please do.  You are missing out on a chance to get involved.

July 23, 2008 update

Our neighbor's wall along our eastern perimeter has had the graffiti removed and looks great.  The tires and garbage removal is next on his list.  Thank you!  We appreciate your hard work.

We are still attempting to reach a resolution with our neighbor along our southern perimeter.  We have tried contacting them  at several names and addresses by mail. 

Strategic Funding II, LP
Ad Alliance II, LP
C/O Cowley-Reeb Management, LLC

To date there has been no communication from their side.  The overgrown weeds/vegetation continues to be a major issue as well as a safety hazard and visual obstruction. 

 July 21, 2008 update

4 door Honda Accord with AZ plates and JUN 09 tags parked on S 26th had battery cables cut and battery removed.  Crime Stop called.

July 20, 2008 update

4 door Honda Accord with AZ plates and JUN 09 tags parked on S 26th.

July 19, 2008 update

We had our Block Watch meeting this morning.  Please see Meeting Minutes page for the details.

July 18, 2008 update

Did you know graffiti is not just the spray painted signs on our fences?  It comes in many different variations.  It is illegal to put signs on a utility pole.  Graffiti.    How about on the mailboxes?  Graffiti.  Neither the City nor the Federal Government take kindly to either.  Check out our Neighborhood Page for more information.

July 17, 2008 update

Some new pages have been added.  The Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department puts out a newsletter each month.  Be sure and check out our Neighborhood Page for newsletter links.

Important telephone numbers are found on the Telephone Page.  Have I missed any, please send me a note.

Are you concerned about the future?  That "F" word a concern?  (Not that one!) Check out some helpful telephone numbers and links supplied by the City of Phoenix regarding possible Foreclosure.  They are there to help.

July 16, 2008 update

Someone deposited 5 boxes of assorted items in our common area and 1 lone box on the adjoining street.  Further information is being obtained.

July 14, 2008 update

Today a woman in a dark blue Chevy S10 Pickup was seen putting her recyclable trash in blue bins belonging to some of our residents.  She was asked to stop and told to leave.  If she returns please feel free to call Crime Stop at 602-262-6151.

July 13, 2008 update

Our next Weston Park Block Watch meeting is approaching.  We have quite a few things to discuss.   We also have updates on a few other items pending from the meeting last month.  As usual, we welcome new ideas.  We want to hear your concerns.  And of course we want volunteers.  The Graffiti Painters Team have been active.  The Speedsters Team is just starting up. 

  June 30, 2008 update

REMINDER - HOA Meeting Wednesday

I heard from Streets and Transportation this morning.  They will be out to check the visibility issue we have when making a left turn out of our community.  They note it will be a recurring issue so hope for a long lasting fix.  Along with documentation a certified letter is sent to the owner recording they have been notified of the hazard and requesting compliance.

I spoke with Celina from SRP who advises they have no problem with padlocks on our electrical panels.  Their only request is when we have work done to make sure they have access at that time.

So it looks like there is no problem with any agency.  Padlock on your electrical panel is OK.

June 26, 2008 update

Leaving porch lights on at night sounds like a good idea.

You may wish to put your vehicles in the garage or at least the driveway.  Instead of prying off gas caps they are taking the easy route and drilling a hole in the bottom of the gas tank and draining.  Just an FYI.

Information on vehicle from yesterday has been updated.  The license plate number is 456 KEB. 


Larry Polk with the Parks Department did come out and survey the area along Roeser Road and also 27th Avenue.  He had Streets and Transportation come out and do a quick trim to help alleviate the visual hazard for those turning onto 27th Avenue.  There are inter-jurisdictional issues.  Unfortunately this area is not in his section.  He has referred it to Streets and Transportation to inquire if this is in their jurisdiction.  It could be that both areas are strictly the responsibility of the owner of the property, Liberty.  He requests we give him a week to sort this out and get the correct people notified.  I advised him I had also contacted the owner prior to contacting him.  I will continue to monitor.

I heard back from John Merkins in Phoenix Fire Codes and Fire Prevention.  He advises there are no problems with us using a padlock on the electrical panels.  If they need to turn off power on a call, they will do so at the source.  He does however recommend contacting SRP to determine if they would have an issue with the padlock.  More info to come.

June 25, 2008 update

If you think you hear someone around your hose bib, you may be right.  There was another one ripped out this week.

Due to the alertness of two of our residents this morning, we were able to notify the police concerning a person with a trunk full of A/C coils.  Probably stolen and headed for the junk yard for a profit.  If you see a light brown Dodge 4dr Dynasty with License plate 456 KGB in here again, please call Crime Stop at 602-262-6151.

Two more of our residents have noticed a suspicious 2dr white Toyota or Nissan with a black door and fender on the driver side.  It has been here the last couple days.  It appears to be checking out houses between 26th Lane and 25th Lane.  If anyone recognizes or knows the people in this vehicle let us know ASAP at mailto:W_P_BlockWatch@cox.net  Otherwise, if you notice suspicious or criminal activity, please call either 9-1-1 or Crime Stop at 602-262-6151.

  June 13, 2008 update

Friday the 13th

Wish I could, but I can't.  Blame all this on the calendar.  There is a human element at foot.  And they are not playing fair.  As you can see from the following photos we have a few problems.

It started out this morning with water.  Lots of water.

  & reverse view

Water just going down the drain.  Literally.  Can you hear the meter running?

  Sprinkler broken off at the base.

   Does the basketball court look familiar?

Maybe this view is better?


Another problem.   Graffiti.  But let's not stop there. 

I like pets.  As adorable and vocal as this one and his/her buddy may be, Arizona has a leash law.  Last week it was a pit bull that contributed to injuries.   Maricopa Animal Care & Control at 602-506-7387.

The playground area was not without problems either.   Lunch or dinner remnants (complete with large drink half gone) sitting on a slide.  Beer bottle over across the way.  Another beer bottle smashed near location of second broken sprinkler assembly.

  Completely broken off.

But that's not all.

In the same area as the playground more destruction. 


Similar to the holes in some homes.  Or ceiling tiles broken laying on the ground.


Even the younger crowd is not to be outdone.  More artistic expression of the "F" word variety done in white chalk.

Yes, lots of people have been very busy.

Now it's our turn.


June 12, 2008 update

Dog getting loose

There have been reports of a dog getting loose in the community.  One person has been injured in connection with an attack by this pit bull.  Anyone spotting a pit bull out and about is asked to call Maricopa Animal Care & Control at 602-506-7387.

June 05, 2008 update

Recycling and/or Trash new pickup days

Per Sadie at the Solid Waste/Customer Service - " Effective July 14, 2008, your garbage and recycling will likely be collected much earlier or later than usual.  As always, make sure that your containers are placed out for collection by 5:30 a.m. on your days of collection, which are Thursday for garbage and Monday for recycling.  Your collection days are not changing on July 14th, but they might within the next three years.  You will receive notice in the mail of any future changes. "

HOA Meeting Time

I apologize for the confusion.  The HOA Meetings are scheduled to start at 6:30PM, unless otherwise noted.









When you are home and tempted not to answer the door because it might be a solicitor, think again.  Did you know that could be a ruse to see if anyone is there.  Prior to breaking into your home.  Just yelling through the door that you are not interested might be enough to send them on their way.

Crooks are getting clever.  We can be too.  On the following pages are some more of the great ideas we have come up with so far.  But we know you might have some also.  So there is a COMMENTS section.  Or come to our next meeting.

We are smarter.  We are becoming aware what is going on around us.  We are becoming involved.  We still need more ideas and we still need more help.  We need to hear from you.  We need volunteers to help work on our Newsletter.  We need volunteers to help distribute the Newsletter each month.


Home History Domestic Violence
Suggestions Telephone Numbers 2022 Ahead
Ideas PTSD Zero Waste Recycling
Answers Teams August 2015 Storm
2022Meetings Meeting Minutes History
PPD-RCS Brochures/Classes  
GAIN2014 Kid Korner  
Classifieds Bike Rodeo  
GAIN2015 Zika  
GAIN2019 Chikungunya  
Pixbooth Photos Dengue  
Az Revised Statutes PAYS News  
Spring Social 2019 2008-2010 Minutes  


Copyright © April 2008 R Jensen All Rights Reserved.