May 7, 2009 update
The best crime prevention tip is "Hello" Just say "Hello" Hello
Want to make the neighborhood safer? Coffee Cake
And don't forget the Garden Shears
April 02, 2009 update
Tip forwarded by the Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol courtesy of the Phoenix Police Department -
The Scambusters website www.scambusters.org had a article all about how to protect passwords for your online accounts. Most interesting was the descriptions of the powerful
password cracking program “brute force.” For your online safety, you may want to learn about some of the tips. You can read the article at:
(click icons below for links)
- Crime is not always a person or persons entering your windows and doors.
It can be harder to detect and more costly.
West Nile Virus
Since there are many homes either close to or going through foreclosure this year,
There are more swimming pools left as a breeding ground for the mosquito.
If you or someone you know has a green pool please call
Vector Control at 602-506-0700 to pick up free gambusia fish from the County.
The gambusia fish will help by eating the mosquito.
(For more information click on the mosquito)
We also thought of a way to slow down anyone trying to use our greenbelt or common area as a shortcut. It appears to be an ever increasing problem at the back of our community. It was mentioned it is a straight shot down the common area. We plan to add a few detours or obstacles.
Like putting in concrete pillars. The number, size and distance between is in the planning stage.
We want them to be tall enough and strong enough to keep out traffic.
But not to impede emergency vehicles if the need should arise.
More info to come.
June 05, 2008 update
Another idea was general clean up of our Community. One idea was to cut the weeds and tall grass of the vacant houses. That's great in theory but could get us in legal trouble for trespass. Instead call the listing agent who's number is either on the sign or check the assessor's site for the number. And be persistent.
Assessor Listing under "By Subdivision" enter either Weston Park Unit 1 or Weston Park Unit 2
Another is where we go as a group armed with garbage bags and "spruce up" the area. During the regular time you are out and about, if you see something on the ground, pick it up and put it in the garbage. If we keep our Community clean and neat our young ones might follow suit.
And the not so young. It was suggested we need a waste container near the basketball court.
Which brought up another topic. We were all young once. And drawing is fun with chalk. But not on the neighbor's fence. And not on the mailboxes. The Post Office is not amused by defacing the postal boxes either by artistic expression, words, food, gravel or broken keys in the locks. The Post Office is coming out to remove various food items and broken keys, etc. Now we can start fresh.