Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch March 23, 2023

Meeting Agenda

Rita Jensen- 6:00PM

Welcome to our New Members & Welcome back to Returning Members Hello to our Community Action Officer Devan Fischer

Financial statement


Carlos = assisting with Grant & Block Watch paperwork.

John J, Carlos, Francisco, Guadalupe, Liz + 2, Marty, Rhulin, Veronica

Thank you to all who See Something & Say Something – calling in Police Reports

Crime in Progress call 9-1-1 Crime in Past call Crime Stop 602-262-6151 Old Business

Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol, March 22, 23 pnp.coordinator@phoenix.gov

New Business

  1. Crime Stats and Solutions

  2. Vandalism issues

  3. Car Thefts – Remotes left in vehicles

  4. Garage Doors left open

  5. Gunshots

  6. Traffic Lights – S 27th Ave/Broadway - March 2023 RESIDENT DISCUSSION;

Social get together. Brown Bag lunch

Thank you for your interest! Together we can create safer communities in our neighborhood. NEXT MEETING: May 25, 2023