Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch September 22, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Rita Jensen- 6:00PM

Block Watch report:

Welcome to our New Members & Welcome back to Returning Members Welcome to our Community Action Officer Devan Fischer – Stay Safe

Financial statement


Carlos – Treasurer = assisting with the 2022 Grant & Block Watch paperwork. Veronica for her continued efforts helping furbabies.

John J, Carlos, Charlotte, Evon, Guadalupe, James, Kenneth, Kevin, Liz, Marty, Monica, Renee, Veronica for helping to hand out Newsletters.

Could we please see more volunteers from Weston & Grayson to hand out Newsletters? Thank you to all who See Something & Say Something – calling in Police Reports

Crime in Progress call 9-1-1 Crime in Past call Crime Stop 602-262-6151

Old business

  1. Traffic light S 27th Ave & Broadway pends

  2. Traffic light S 27th Ave & W Roeser Rd status

  3. Mudslide S 23rd Ave / W Roeser Rd

  4. Parking on W Roeser Rd / visibility & increased traffic

  5. Response how to make Weston Park/Grayson Square safer – None

  6. Response how to spend Grant Funds – None

  7. Response to delivering Newsletters (new volunteers) – None

  8. Commit to See Something – Say Something / to using Phoenix at Your Service - None

  9. Commit to taking PNP class – None

New Business

  1. Grant co-Applicant with Melinda – Angels on Patrol – 2023 Grant App in Planning

  2. Grant Applicant – 2023 Grant App in Planning – November 2022

  3. What constitutes Illegal Parking?

  4. Pet Scanner(s)

  5. PHX Plays. Muriel Smith Recreation Center Community Center for kids M-F 4-8pm 6-12yrs. For more info Tony 602-262-6836.

  6. S 27th Ave & Broadway traffic signal – to be completed this fiscal year

  7. S 27th Ave & W Roeser traffic signal pends. Request residents contact City Council

  8. Community Crime Map has been updated. Officer Devan to check on instruction

Activity since last meeting:

  1. Removed trash / weeds from vacant lot S 27th & Southern – No Trespass sign small. Officer Devan asked for contact info for owner/realtor. Will forward same.

  2. 2301 – 2449 – 2551 W Broadway – Code enforcement

  3. PAYS – Trash, weeds, grocery carts, car parts, street lights out

Going forward let’s work together to make the Weston Park/Grayson Square Block Watch better. I’m not the only one who can call and report crime or come up with ideas.

Traffic Complaint hotline at 602-534-7733 Illegal Dumping – Call 602-262-7251

Transit Enforcement Unit (TEU)•Phoenix Police Department

Valley Metro Customer Service 602-253-5000 / Phoenix's Graffiti Hotline (602) 262-7327 RESIDENT DISCUSSION; (3 minutes each)

Meeting Ends – 6:40PM

NEXT MEETING: January 26, 2023 6:00-6:40pm