Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch May 27, 2021

Meeting Agenda

Rita Jensen- 6:00PM

Block Watch report:

Welcome to our New Members & Welcome back to Returning Members

Financial statement


Diane Jensen – Treasurer = assisting with 2019, 2020 Grants & Block Watch paperwork. Glenda Ruff – Treasurer = assisting with 2020, 2021 Grants & Block Watch paperwork.

Veronica for her continued efforts helping furbabies.

John J, Carlos, Charlotte, Corinna & family, Devon, Diane, Francisco, Guadalupe, James, Marty, Monica, Renee, Yvette for helping to hand out Newsletters.

Could we please see more volunteers from Weston & Grayson to hand out Newsletters for mid-July and mid-September?

Thank you to all who See Something & Say Something – calling in Police Reports

Crime in Progress call 9-1-1 Crime in Past call Crime Stop 602-262-6151

Old business

  1. The KKAD25 campaign continues.

  2. Authority to Arrest/No Trespassing signs Penny w/RR 2013, Todd 2014, AAMAZ 4/2014

  3. Streets, Council District 8 – Traffic light 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

  4. Streets, SRP, Phx PD, NSD – Weeds 2013, 2014, 2015

  5. BW – Lindo / Muriel, Anderson Farms / Reuben,

  6. Solar security for gazebo GS 20200124

  7. SRP 20200129 Melissa, Floresco,

  8. SRP 20200130 Tammy, Billy, Luke

  9. SRP 20200131 Lucas

  10. SRP 20200210 Scott

  11. SRP 20200211 Scott

  12. SRP 20200217 Scott

    New Business

  13. Angel Initiative


  14. Newsletter Distribution

  15. Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol classes

  16. PAYS

  17. Streets, Council District 8 – housing – Eden, Liberty

  18. Street Racing – City Code 36-70.1 and 36-70.2 Do call in Reports as Stats = coverage

  19. Catalytic Converters (259) stolen in January - protection park back to fence, wall etc And on level ground. One wheel up on sidewalk makes it easier to steal.

  20. Grant Funds

  21. Petty Cash Funds 22.GAIN & Socials

23.New U-channel posts – No Trespass and BW signs - installation

Traffic Complaint hotline at 602-534-7733 Illegal Dumping – Call 602-262-7251


(3 minutes each)

Thank you for your interest! If we all work together, we can create safer communities in our neighborhood.

NEXT MEETING: July 22, 2021 6:00-6:45pm