Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch February 28, 2019

Meeting Agenda

Rita Jensen- 6:30PM

Block Watch report:

Welcome to our New Members & Welcome back to Returning Members Hello to our Community Action Officer Chris Granado

Financial statement


William Crawford = assisting with Grant & Block Watch paperwork.

John J and Jessica for helping to hand out Newsletters in Weston Park & Grayson Square this month. (Could use more volunteers)

Mike with Weston Park’s landscaping company for the KeepKidsAliveDrive25 sign installation.

Thank you to all who See Something & Say Something – calling in Police Reports

Crime in Progress call 9-1-1 Crime in Past call Crime Stop 602-262-6151

Old business

  1. Traffic Complaint hotline at 602-534-7733

  2. Illegal Dumping – Call 602-262-7251

  3. The KKAD25 campaign started this month.

  4. Officer Chris – Gave some crime stats from 11-1-18 to 01-31-19

  5. G.A.I.N. Event, October 26, 2019 in planning stage. Volunteers encouraged

    1. Make Purple Ribbons – Paint Phoenix Purple – Domestic Violence

    2. Stuff promo bags for kids and/or adults

    3. Return address labels, stamps on envelopes or s envelopes with G.A.I.N. invites

    4. Supervise table/chair set up and tablecloths

    5. Supervise Decorations

    6. Supervise Games

    7. TBD

      New business-

  6. Opioid Crisis – 325,600 opioid prescriptions dispensed last month in Arizona (Az Dept of Health Services)

  7. South Mountain Precinct (400 W Southern Ave) has a prescription drop off box in lobby.

  8. Digital license plates now available as option for Arizona motorists

  9. Silver database

  10. Weston Park/Grayson Square Social - March 23, 2019 – Watch for Invitation

  11. New Sponsorship banners from both HOAs

Crimes reported from January 31, 2019 to February 28, 2019

2-9-2019 12:00am Burglary 2nd Degree - Residential / 2400 block W Gaby Rd

2-14-2019 4:00pm Burglary 2nd Degree - Residential / 2300 block W Spencer Run 2-16-2019 6:56pm Aggravated Assault - Minor or no injury / 5000 block S 25th Ave 2-16-2019 11:00pm Theft from Vehicle / 2400 block W Tamarisk Ave

2-21-2019 11:48pm Aggravated Assault – Serious Physical Injury – w/firearm / 2400 block W Parkway Drive

2-22-2019 8:00am Burglary 2nd Degree – Residential / 4700 block S 26th Lane 2-26-2019 12:45pm Theft from Vehicle - Felony / 4500 block S 26th Lane Calls for service (if you don’t call, it doesn’t count)


Thank you for your interest! Together we can create safer communities in our neighborhood. NEXT MEETING: April 25, 2019 6:30-7:30PM Cesar Chavez Library Meeting Room