Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch October 25, 2018

Meeting Agenda

Rita Jensen- 6:00PM

Block Watch report:

Welcome to our New Members & Welcome back to Returning Members Welcome to Mari & other residents from the Barcelona community

Hello to our Community Action Officers Chris Granado & Robert Sandoval

Financial statement


William Crawford = assisting with Grant & Block Watch paperwork.

Koy and Jessica (Grayson) handing out Newsletters to Grayson Square this month. John J for helping to hand out Newsletters in Weston Park this month.

Mari & other residents (Barcelona) for making their community safer. (Could use more volunteers)

Thank you to all who See Something & Say Something – calling in Police Reports

Crime in Progress call 9-1-1 Crime in Past call Crime Stop 602-262-6151

Old business

  1. Eden Meadows – 60 new homes

  2. Kona Ice Social – remainder cups for future use

  3. Traffic Complaint hotline at 602-534-7733

  4. Report from City Streets regarding report on Broadway/S 27th Ave I/S. Per Michael still in process of finalizing all the study requests for signals we received this year. Another 4 weeks.

    New business-

  5. ID Theft Ways to guard against

  6. 09-28 01:05am Burglary 3rd Degree (personal items) Motor Vehicle – (2600 block of W Atlanta)

  7. 09-28 01:40am Theft of Car – (Barcelona)

  8. 10-02 07:30am Theft of Car – (2300 block of W Broadway)

  9. 10-04 12:00am Burglary 3rd Degree – Fenced Yard (2500 block W Broadway)

  10. 10-11 07:00pm Theft of Car – (4800 block of S 25th Dr)

  11. 10-16 07:05am Burglary 3rd Degree (personal items) Motor Vehicle – (Barcelona)

  12. 10-18 0530pm Aggravated assault/other Dangerous Wpn – (4800 block S 23rd Dr)

  13. 10-20 01:00am Burglary 3rd Degree (personal items) Motor Vehicle – (2500 block W Spencer)

  14. 10-24 02:00am Theft of Car – (2400 block of W Parkway)


Thank you for your interest! Together we can create safer communities in our neighborhood. NEXT MEETING: TBD 6-7PM Cesar Chavez Library Meeting Room