Rita Jensen- 7:00PM
Welcome to New Members & Welcome back to Returning Members Hello to our CAO, Officers Chris Granado & Robert Sandoval
TCF Checking = $1,276.04.
2017 City of Phoenix Grant Funds = $4,630.00 Received / $4,231.61
2017 City of Phoenix Grant Funds w/WAKE-UP! $8,654.00
Surveillance cameras and Security lights
Egging houses and cars
Jiggle keys
Opioids & Prescription Drug Abuse
Dry weeds/bushes at S 27th Ave & W Roeser 7/26/2017, 8/12/2017, 8/23/2017
Water pressure spikes
Copper thefts
Monthly Articles for the newsletter- Any suggestions?
Thank you for your interest!
Together we can create a safer community. NEXT MEETING: TBD