Rita Jensen - Chairman

Financial statement

Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch Report January 8, 2015

The 2014 year ended on a positive note for the Block Watch. After the G.A.I.N. Event bills were all paid there were actually funds left in the petty cash account with AZ Federal. Crime for the most part was down. There was a homicide that occurred in Grayson Square on Christmas Eve.

The 2015 Grant Application was completed and submitted on December 18, 2014 without a need for the Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch to partner with Weston Park HOA. Renee Agnew as another member of the Block Watch is co-signer with me this year. I put in for rental equipment for the G.A.I.N. Event and Kids’ Karnival again as well as a variety of sports equipment to be used at Block Watch functions. We should be hearing sometime around June 2015 regarding the acceptance in whole or part by the Grant Committee.

This year the Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch has partnered with SABIS International School through the Wake-Up! program on a second 2015 Grant Application. Officer Robin Ontiveroz is the Citywide Coordinator and Co-Applicant/Signer with me. By the Block Watch partnering with the SABIS International School the school is able to obtain up to a $10,000.00 grant to be used on behalf of the 7th & 8th grade students in Wake-Up!. Part of the funds go toward transportation for the students to community functions in which they volunteer. The City of Phoenix carries the insurance policy on this program. The students’ parents sign "Liabiity Waivers" prior to their child participating in the program. Not only does Wake-Up! help to make students aware that choices exit, but also that bad choices have consequences. One of our Block Watch Community Action Officers will also be dedicating an hour a week at the school with this group after school. Participation by the students in Wake-Up! requires commitment of service to the community, avoidance of violence, and positive achievement.

At some point in the future the Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch will be doing projects in our own community that involves these students in Wake-Up! Hopefully it will also serve to motivate the students to help who live in our own community.

The next Weston Park Grayson Square Block Watch meeting TBD.