Rita Jensen- 8:30 am
Welcome to New Members & Welcome back to Returning Members and CAO Jared Charley And CAO Larry Dotson who is unable to attend
Arizona Federal Credit Union Savings = $25.00
Arizona Federal Credit Union Checking = $74.76
2013 City of Phoenix Grant Funds = $983.07 returned in July
2014 City of Phoenix Grant Funds = $6,854.00 to be received July/August
Andrew, Carlos, Charolette, Dear Libby, Elizabeth, Glenda, Greg, James E., James N., Jessica, Joan, Joe, John, Juan, Julie, Kat, Kelly, Margaret, Margie, Missy, Nina, Nina’s Mom, Omar, Rhulin, Rhulin Jr, Sofia, Trish and William
Block Watch Signs (2) need to be installed in Grayson Square! Volunteered: ??
No Trespass Signs (2) need to be replaced in Weston Park. Volunteered: James N/John
Block Watch Signs (2) need to be replaced in Weston Park. Volunteered: ??
Looking for Bank/Credit Union that does not charge Monthly Service Fee
Speed Limit 25 sign has been installed on W Roeser Road as a reminder
Speed controls being considered for W Roeser Road
A donation made to Wells Fargo by HOA Board to family of Richard Vejar
Monthly Articles for the newsletter- Resident security tips WP / GS
“Dear Libby” advice column suggestions?
Articles regarding community issues you'd like from resident legal?
Recruit neighbors for Block Watch Please contact your neighbors
GAIN Event (October 18) – What type event this year? Volunteers needed.
Thank you for your interest!
Together we can create a safer community.
NEXT MEETING Saturday August 30, 2014 8:30 AM Grayson Square Common Area